You work so hard to put money in the bank and food on the table. And when it comes to buying groceries, every person has their own way of tackling this monthly and sometimes weekly task. We’ve got a few pointers that could make your shopping trip a whole lot easier and even put a few of your hard-earned bucks back in your pocket.

Make lists

It’s so easy to get distracted and put a bunch of unnecessary items in your trolley while strolling through the aisles without a plan. It’s easier to stick to a budget when you know what you need to buy. This means going through your kitchen cupboards, checking what you already have and adding what you still need to your list. You can even group your items based on what sections of the shop you will find them in, ensuring a hassle-free shopping trip. Google has a handy shopping list tool that will sync with all your devices if you are logged into your Google account, but you can also have a look on your app store to find one that works best for you. And if you prefer good old pen and paper, here is a pretty printable you can take along.

Take your own bags

The plastic-free movement has been making waves in the last few years, and some of the major retailers are getting in on the action by offering plastic-free shopping bag alternatives at the till. While this is great for Mother Earth, it could add quite a number to the bottom of your slip. Pack your own bags when you go shopping next time (they don’t have to be fancy or pretty). We know it’s easy to forget to put them in your car after unpacking the previous haul. But if you hang them close to the kitchen door, it’ll be super easy to grab and put in your car when you’re going out next time.

Stick to a meal plan

It is even easier compiling a shopping list when you know exactly what and how much food you need by creating a meal plan. This way you can incorporate what you still have in the fridge, cut back on food waste and save on not having to buy double. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Even if you just have a basic plan set out for dinner, you could be saving big bucks (and time). You can even get the kids involved in choosing a meal for everyday of the week.

Ditch the brand names

We know it is tempting to buy the best of the best ingredients when shopping for your family. But a brand name often doesn’t necessarily mean better quality. 9 times out of 10, the product under the brand name is the exact same thing hiding in the store-brand package. You’ll not only be saving, but also stretching your budget to include other things you wouldn’t usually have money for.

Use your bsmart card

If you haven’t been using your bsmart card it's time to dust it off and start working towards your bonus again. Every time you purchase groceries with your bsmart card, you are putting cash back into your wallet. We have partnered with more than 11 000 retailers across the country, so you can not only save on your grocery shopping, but many more regular shopping excursions every month. Visit your closest supermarket this afternoon and pay for your purchases with your bsmart card. Getting cashback is as easy as that.


We know shopping can take its toll on the budget, so we aim to help our members live smart, spend smart and save smart, and we do this by sharing tips and tricks like this. You can also read about savvy ways to spend and some more smart shopping tips.


At bsmart we help our members save, and pay out cash-back bonuses every three months or annually. To learn more about bsmart contact us or click here to sign up directly through our website.


Disclaimer: These tips and tricks are just suggestions. There are loads of other ideas that might suit your family better. The above article is for information purposes only.