Instead of the usual petrol price increase on the first of this month, we were greeted with a very welcome petrol price drop of almost R1 per liter this week. Petrol is set to decline by 95 cents and 96 cents per litre and Diesel will come down by 75 cents and 76 cents per litre. This can really make a difference if you’re rushing across town to pick up the kids in your lunch break or dropping them off at ballet or rugby practice a few times a week. Unfortunately, the lower petrol price also came with an electricity increase in some municipalities. So we can’t go revving up a storm just yet! We have to save every drop!


Here are some tips on how to cut down on fuel consumption and drive more efficiently:


  • Slow down - Reduce your regular cruising speed by 10 km/h. This will result in a noticeable drop in fuel consumption because you’re cutting out some of the air resistance that increases dramatically with an increase in speed. Saving fuel and saving lives!


  • Service is key - Make sure your car is in tip-top shape at all times. Check the tyre pressure every two weeks and don’t miss the regular service intervals set out in the service manual.


  • Keep score - It’s good to have an idea of the fuel efficiency of your car. Keep track of how efficiently you are driving by working out how much you use on average every week or month. This way you will be able to see when you need to be adapting more efficient ways of driving. Click HERE to learn how to work it out according to the full-tank to full-tank method.


  • Sharing is caring - Get involved or even start a lift club if you can. Perhaps someone in your neighbourhood or complex is driving the same route you are every week and you don’t even know it. You could be saving 50% or more on fuel.

  • Dodge traffic - sitting in peak time traffic can really do a number on your petrol tank (and insanity) levels. If flexitime isn’t already a thing at your workplace, speak to your manager or boss and pitch the idea - You could argue that an employee who drove to work in 30 minutes or less is much more efficient than someone who just spent 2 hours slapping their steering wheel and punching the brakes trying to get to work. And try to schedule appointments or meetings for less busy times so that you don’t voluntarily subject yourself to the torture.

  • Don’t be a drag - Driving with the windows open or unnecessary roof racks and trailers can add a lot of unwanted wastage. A roof rack or a trailer increases the air resistance dramatically but an increase in weight only increases the amount of fuel being used by a significant amount while you accelerate


Head to our blog for some more tips and tricks to help you save smart, spend smart and live smart.

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