Spring has arrived in sunny Africa … well almost, it’s just starting to peek through the winter woes but we’re so excited to say goodbye to the cold until next year. We can’t think of anything that signifies the arrival of Spring more than blossoms blooming on bare branches and birds bustling about in the garden.


Before you break out your trusty garden tools, there are a few garden chores you need to tackle to get your garden on the right track.


  • Inspect and repair your raised beds that might have been damaged when the soil became heavy or waterlogged with the winter rains. It’s also a good time to replace and repair trellises or borders that may have started disintegrating in the wet season. 


  • It’s time to turn your compost pile and check if it’s ready to incorporate any into your beds.


  • Check that your gardening tools are ready to go and that something (or someone) hasn’t been chomping on your gardening gloves this winter. Visit your nearest Builders Warehouse to replace any of these essentials. Having the right tool will make your job way easier.


  • Remove weeds and tidy up garden beds. Fallen leaves and branches need to be cleared to make way for the softer new growth.


  • Sow seeds for flowers and veggies. You might want to start your seeds indoors or in a greenhouse before planting them in the garden.


  • Plant some new herbs to brighten up your spring and summer meals. 


  • Add a new fresh layer of mulch to ensure the moisture doesn’t escape from the ground as the days start getting hotter and longer.


  • Repot plants that have grown too big for their containers. Some plants thrive when their roots are constricted, but a general rule of thumb is to repot before your plants become rootbound. This goes for your indoor plants as well.


  • Deadhead and prune any growth that has seen better days. This will stimulate new growth and ensure a flush of new flowers when the time is right.


  • Keep an eye on pests and manage them accordingly. They love the juicy new growth that comes with the new season.


We have more than 11 000 retailers that might have exactly what you need to spruce up your garden for the new season. Click here and search a retailer in your area: https://www.bsmart.co.za/where-can-i-save 

Remember to take your bsmart card along and use it to pay for your goods. This way you will save and add to your cashback bonus at the end of the year. 


Head to our blog for some more tips and tricks to help you save smart, spend smart and live smart.

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