Mandela Day is coming up! Each year on 18 July we think back on what Nelson Mandela did for our country and what still has to be done. Mandela Day is the perfect opportunity to make the world a better place, but we shouldn’t stop at just this one day in the middle of July. We should be making every day a Mandela Day to celebrate the life and legacy of the late Tata Madiba in a way that will bring about enduring change.

Instead of the usual petrol price increase on the first of this month, we were greeted with a very welcome petrol price drop of almost R1 per liter this week. Petrol is set to decline by 95 cents and 96 cents per litre and Diesel will come down by 75 cents and 76 cents per litre. This can really make a difference if you’re rushing across town to pick up the kids in your lunch break or dropping them off at ballet or rugby practice a few times a week. Unfortunately, the lower petrol price also came with an electricity increase in some municipalities. So we can’t go revving up a storm just yet! We have to save every drop!

Time flies when you’re having fun, but sometimes when you’re at work or you have loads to get done it feels like the clock waits for no one. We all want to make the most of the 24 hours we get each day. Some people achieve more happiness, productivity, and success – in the same amount of time as everyone else! How do they do it? The answer is simple … time management!

Achieving your goals is seldom easy. Knowing how to stay motivated is so incredibly important when it comes to getting what you want in the long term. Whether it be from your health, wealth or life in general. We’re faced with more distractions than ever before, from non-stop web access to constant messaging on your phone, it can be really hard to stay focussed and not just give in to what's easiest.

After scrambling to get the kids ready for school, sitting in traffic, fighting off road rage, and slurping down some coffee instead of enjoying your breakfast in peace, many people go to work already stressed, and in turn more reactive to stress at work. So, quite literary, if you start your day on the right foot you’ll be more likely to be able to handle any stressors your workplace throws at you.

The long weekend is over and it’s back to reality for most of us. Whether you’re working from home, stuck in a cubicle or command the corner office, your workspace is where you spend most of your day. So why not make it a happy place while you’re at it! Surrounding yourself with things that spark happiness boosts creativity, productivity and morale.

It’s almost that time of year again. The tax season doesn’t have to spell headaches and mountains of receipts and supporting documents every year. Get started early and stay on top of your finances to get the best out of the coming tax season. You definitely don’t want to be caught in the neverending queues when everyone is rushing to meet the deadline at the end of August for provisional taxpayers and end of October for non-provisional taxpayers.

We’re celebrating Earth Day on 22 April and we have to look after the one we’ve got. Afterall … there’s no Planet B. You’re probably already recycling, but we thought it would be a good idea to get back to basics and give you the lowdown on how to reduce your waste footprint, reuse what you already have and recycle what you can.