This month is all about cancer awareness, more specifically, breast cancer. Almost all of us would have been touched by this disease in our lifetime, whether it be personally or through a loved one. According to the National Cancer Registry, 1 in 27 women are at risk of being diagnosed in their lifetime, making Breast Cancer the most common form of cancer amongst women in South Africa.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. And it’s important that you look after your eyesight from a young age to prolong clear vision well into your later years. Here are some fun facts about your blinkers you might not have known before.

You’ve probably scrolled through Facebook and came across image after image of perfectly portioned and brightly coloured lunches ready to go for the week. Pretty impressive right? If you haven’t started following the trend yourself, here are some tips on how to get started, and a few recipe suggestions.

You’ve probably heard the news buzzing with these three letters recently. The NHI is still far from a reality, but this is what you have to know so far. 

Spring has arrived in sunny Africa … well almost, it’s just starting to peek through the winter woes but we’re so excited to say goodbye to the cold until next year. We can’t think of anything that signifies the arrival of Spring more than blossoms blooming on bare branches and birds bustling about in the garden.

We’ve all been there ... Flipping through a magazine or scrolling on Instagram and spotting the house of your dreams! Or perhaps you love your house, you’d just like to change it up a bit and turn it into a home. It is a daunting task thinking about everything you have to do to reach that #housegoal status everyone dreams of. So here are a few pointers that could help you to get started with the process. 

Listen, you don’t need a degree in accounting to stick to a budget – ultimately it’s just addition and subtraction. Once you realise what you’re spending your hard earned cash on every month, the importance of a budget becomes all the more clear. Scroll on down for a few tips that might just be the push you need to bsmart with your budget.